Appointments, fees and
cancellation policies
Sessions are 50 minutes (therapy hour) which allows for 10 minutes for case notes or administration between appointments. Longer appointments are offered for EMDR or if you prefer a longer session (e.g, 80 minutes or 110 minutes)
We offer free 15 minute consultations. This allows potential clients to ask questions, to check if availability and fees fit for you and to determine if the therapist can provide the support you are looking for.
Cancellation Policy
While we send out a reminder two days before a booked appointment, it is your responsibility to keep track of upcoming appointments and change or cancel appointments if needed within 24 hours.
Because we value your time, your appointment has been set aside, especially for you. We require a minimum of 24 hours’ notice should you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment. Where insufficient notice is given or in cases of “no-shows,” the full session is charged. In the event of continued, missed or late cancelled sessions, we may require you to prepay to reserve your next appointment, or if there are multiple missed appointments with no notice, your file may be closed.
There are many ways to change or cancel an appointment including, phone, email or through the booking link.

We aim to respect your time and the time of the therapist by strictly adhering to this policy.

- The investment for your mental health is $220 set by the Psychologist Association of Alberta fee schedule. Our provisional psychologist is able to offer a sliding scale fee of $175.
The session receipt will have all the necessary information for submission for reimbursement with insurance.
We do not have the ability to check what your insurance may cover. While most benefits plan cover Registered Psychologists, please check with your insurance about who and what services they cover.
Billing is done securely through our Jane App booking system.
The cost for private therapy may be a barrier for some. We get it! Most psychologists have been advocating for years for the cost of ALL mental health services to be covered under health care. Currently, private practice costs remain uncovered, but the following are community based resources that are free or sliding scale should that be a better fit.
- Access Mental Health
- Calgary Counselling Centre
- Calgary Family Therapy Centre
- For youth 12 -24 – The Alex
- 211